Google Ads

Setup admob

  • First, you need to create an admob account

  • Create iOS and android applications and get ad mob id in the admob app settings

  • Run script to add this ad mob id-s everywhere where needed


After running this script all 3 types of ads should be working.

There are three examples of apps so you can create them and update ad_helper.dartwith the correct id per type of app. Current values are test ids so you can use them for test purposes.

Banner Ads

Create banner add and update ad_helper.dart file bannerAdUnitId variable, link to banner ad if you have some issues Banner ad

Rewarded Interstitial As

Create banner add and update ad_helper.dart file rewardedInterstitialAdUnitId variable, link to reward int. ad if you have some issues Rewarded Interstitial ad

Native Ads

There is an example of a native list ad. Design can be changed in list_tile_native_ad.xml file for android & ListTileNativeAdView.xib for iOS. For any updates check the article about native ads in a flutter. Native Ads

Last updated